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Welcome to the new Chair of the Shropshire Deaf Children’s Society

Hi, I am Louise, and I am the new Chair of the Shropshire Deaf Children’s Society.  I have been actively involved in the charity for the last year and have benefited from their work since my eldest son, James, was born nearly 9 years ago with hearing impairments, he was born profoundly deaf in his left ear, with a mild/moderate hearing loss in his right ear.  He was fitted with hearing aids from the age of 8 weeks and has continued to be supported by the SIS.

I have a background in charity work and I am Operations Manager for the Lingen Davies Cancer Fund, a charity I have worked for over the past 20 years, this experience is something I have been able to bring over to SDCS.

The charity provides such great opportunities for young people with hearing impairment, including social activities for the children, most recently Arthog Outreach Centre and Samba Drumming workshops, and family events such as trips to the pantomime, family fun days and nights out. 

They also provide funding to help with transition days, so children who are moving on to secondary school can speak to other hearing impaired children who started secondary school the year before to help them understand what it is like moving to a bigger school.

The charity does so much for young people with hearing loss and is a great organisation to get involved with. Without them, these activities would simply have to stop as there is no other funding available. 

We are in need of some more people to join the committee to help continue the excellent work carried out by the charity. If you are able to spare a couple of hours every other month to help we would be so grateful, please get in touch.



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